Welcome to Ambo University School of Law
The School of Law at Ambo University had a strong start as a department under College Of Social Science And Humanities in 2009 (2002 E.C.) with 60 students in the L.L.B. program launching this program with three staff members. In 2011 (2004 E.C.), it became independent and established as a School of Law. Since then, the School has grown to over 330 students and 24 instructors.

School of Law
The School of Law at Ambo University had a strong start as a department under College Of Social Science And Humanities in 2009 (2002 E.C.) with 60 students in the L.L.B. program launching this program with three staff members. In 2011 (2004 E.C.), it became independent and established as a School of Law. Since then, the School has grown to over 330 students and 24 instructors.
Skilled Lecturers
The definition of a University Lecturer for the purpose of our assessment criteria is someone who lectures students and conducts tutorials in one or more subjects within a prescribed course of study at a university and who conducts research in a particular field of knowledge.
The other titles we see in the industry for this occupation are Associate Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor, or Professor. These roles generally require both teaching and research activity. However, we also assess post-doctoral research-only roles, such as Research Associate and Research Fellow, as highly relevant to the role of a University Lecturer.
Book Library & e-Resource
An electronic resource is defined as a resource which requires computer access or any electronic product that delivers a collection of data refer to full text bases, electronic journals, image collections, other multimedia products and numerical, graphical or time based, as a commercially available title that has been published with an aim to being marketed. These may be delivered on CD ROM, on tape, via Internet and so on.
List of Department