About the Department hydr

Welcome To Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering Department

General Overview
The department of Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering has launched, as undergraduate program, under institute of Technology, Ambo University, in 2006EC. The openinig of the department is in tandem with the country’s efforts towards developing its water resources in a sustainable way with the following program components: hydropower, water supply & sewerage, irrigation & drainage and water resources.
Mission of the Department
Hydraulic and Water Resource Engineering program has a mission of offering relevant and quality education and training; conducting demand driven research and rendering accessible community services.
Objectives of the Department

  •  Ensure the quality of education and training in water technology
  • Advance research and consultancy works in water Technology
  • Improve services to the community
  • Develop a conducive environment for learning and teaching

Resource Facilities

  • Human resources composed of PhD, MSc, BSc and technical assistants
  • Hydraulic laboratory
  • Computers labs