Girma Gebresenbet is a Professor, PhD and Head of Division of Automation and Logistics at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Energy and Technology.
Prof Girma Gebresenbet is also Honorary academic staff at Ambo University, Ethiopia. His MSc degree is in Mechanical Engineering and obtained honour degree, specialized in Design and Development. His PhD is in Agricultural Engineering, and obtained a special reward from the Swedish Academy of Forestry and Agriculture for the outstanding doctoral dissertation of the year. He is a Professor since 2000 and working on Automation, Logistics, Transport, and Supply Chain Management. Prof Girma Gebresenbet is one of the founders and president of Oromo Society of Science and Technology.
Currently, Gebresenbet is coordinating and managing many national and international research projects, where researchers and industry partners participated
from many countries, mainly in the subject areas of Automation in Food Production and Supply chains.
He also focuses on Logistics and Supply Chain Management with specific emphasis on City Logistics, Food Supply, Value and Marketing Chain Management in relation to quality, safety (including animal welfare), security, and environment.
Residence adress:
Girma Gebresenbet Intagsgränd 47
163 41 Spånga Sweden
Tel +46 8 7615084; +46 705245032
Office address:
Girma Gebresenbet
Department of Energy and Technology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Box 7032,
750 07 Uppsala, Sweden
Tel: +46 18 671901
Language | Read | Write | Speak | |||||||||
Excel lent | Good | Fair | Slight | Excel lent | Good | Fair | Slight | Excel lent | Good | Fair | Slight | |
English | x | x | x | |||||||||
Swedish | x | x | X | |||||||||
Russian | x | x |
x |
French | x | x | x | |||||||||
Oromo* | x | x | x | |||||||||
Amharic* | x | x | x |
- Ethiopianlanguages
1973 – 1974 Cadet/Pilot, Flying school of Ethiopian Air force
1974 – 1975 Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia
1977 – 1983 Master of Science in Engineering, degree with honour
1986 – 1991 PhD degree in Agric Engineering at, SLU
1996 – 2000 Associate Professor
2000 Professor
Special reward
1974 Special reward for the best student of the flight school, Air Force
1983 Honour Degree, and reward for MSc
1991 Special reward for the outstanding PhD dissertation of the year by the Swedish Academy of Forestry and Agriculture
Guest, Honorary and Adjunct Professor
- Guest Professor at KwameNkruma University of Science and Technology, Ghana
- Guest Professor at AddisAbaba University, Ethiopia
- Honorary Professor at AmboUniversity, Ethiopia
- Adjunct Professor at Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia
Administration and other relevant activities
- Memberof the Department’s council at the Department of Agricultural Engineering of SLU (since 1997);
- Head of Automation Division (from 2018)
- Headof Transport and Logistics Division (1996 – 2018)
- Research Leader (1994 – 2000)
- Headof International Activities of the Department of Agricultural Engineering (1993 – 2004),
- Co-ordinatorfor various national and international research projects
- Co-ordinatedand managed 5 EU-projects.
· Scientific coordinator of Excellence Centre in Logistics in Ethiopia
· Founder and President of Oromo Society of Science and Technology
- Headof the international activity of the Department (1993-1998)
- Memberof steering committee of VII section of NJF (1997-2003)
- Co-ordinatorfor KUT, contact forum for technologies for developing countries (1992 – 2003)
- Coursecoordinator and management (since 1989)
- Researchassistant at the Department of Agricultural Engineering, SLU (1986 – 1991)
- Districtco-ordinator, Ethiopia (1976 -1977)
Special mission
Member of Advisory Commission for animal welfare: Gebresenbet is a member (as an expert) of a Commission assigned by the Swedish Government for animal transport and welfare to support policy issues.
Opponent and examination committee member
Gebresenbet has been member of the examination commissions for 16 PhD dissertations at SLU and other universities.
- The Arctic University of Norway, Norway
- University of Tasmania, Australia
- Universität Kassel, 3 PhD defense, Germany
- University of Vaasa, Finland
- Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, 8 PhD defense, Sweden
- Linköping university, Sweden
- Umeå university, Sweden
Evaluating mission
By the request of the Universities from different countries, Gebresenbet evaluated the works of candidates for Associate Professor and full Professorship of:
- University of Ghana, Ghana
- South Africa
- University of Nairobi, Kenya
- Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia
- Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand
- Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Expert to evaluate proposals:
Gebresenbet supported numerous governmental and non- governmental funding organizations including Volkswagon Foundation by evaluating research proposals submitted, and United Nation Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO)
- Consultant for CINOP Global (the Netherlands) for international projects on capacity building, within Freight Transport and Logistics.
- Consultant for t33 Srl, Italy, on Rural Supply Chain Infrastructure Investment
- Consultantfor UNDP, AGROTEC for agricultural and system engineering for Eastern and South-eastern African
- Consultantfor United Nation Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) on Rural Agricultural Transport
- Consultantfor EURO Consultant and IBF on Animal welfare aspects
- Resourceperson (backstopping) for capacity building program for the University of Mondlane in Mozambique from 1993 to 1998, financed by SIDA
- Resourceperson for the EU funded Postgraduate Technological Studies at the Asian Institute of Technology
Exchange programs between SLU and other universities, where Gebresenbet
UK: Participated in Teachers exchange program between Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and Universities in UK (University of Manchester and Cranfield University)
Ghana: Participated and coordinated the Linneaus-Palme Exchange program between Swedish university and Kwame Nkruma University for 4 years
Ethiopia: Coordinated the Linneaus-Palme Exchange program between Swedish university and Addis Ababa University for 8 years. During the 8 years, he has been teaching the course on Logistics and Freight Transport.
Research subject Areas
Main research areas:
- Digitalization, Automation focusing in sensors, control technology and information technology
- Logistics including City Logistics
- Supplychain management
- Agriculturaland Food Supply Chain with special emphasis on food quality, economic competitiveness and environment;
- Value chain
- Traceability,
- Applicationof information and communication technology tools (GIS, RFID, GPS, etc) in Logistics of various logistics branches
- Animaltransport and welfare with special focus on handling (at the farm, control posts, abattoir) and transport
- RuralLogistics and transport
- Reverse Logistics
- Biomass and logistics
- Post-harvest technology
Minor research areas
- Sensor and measurementtechnologies;
- Ergonomics,and
- Draughtanimal power and welfare
- Projectmanager, coordinator
- Projectdesign, development, planning, monitoring, reporting, and evaluation
- Researcher
- Researchprogram development and management
- Managementand coordination of networks
- Teambuilding and leader
International and national projects coordinated by Gebresenbet
The following projects are some of the projects that are initiated, coordinated and performed by Gebresenbet, or as a partner.
- EthioLog:Ethiopian Logistics and Freight transport Excellence Center
- SusOrganicPlus:Development of smart and low energy input processing chains, natural food additives and colourants, and supportive material to increase sustainability and consumer acceptance of organic food stuffs (EU project)
- EUROPRUNING:Development and implementation of a new, and non existent, logistic chain on biomass from pruning (EU project)
- RELOAD:Reduction of Post Harvest Losses and Value Addition in East African Food Value Chains (Europian and African countries cooperation project, funded by German Government)
- SusOrganic:Development of quality standards and optimised processing methods for organic produce (EU project)
- Cooptåget:Intermodal transport (national projects)
- CEPOST:Evaluation of the Feasibility of a Certification Scheme for High Quality Control Posts to promote animal welfare (EU project)
- QualityControl Post: Renovation and promoting high quality control posts in the EU (EU project)
- IMPACT:Study on the impact of regulation (EC) No 1/2005 on the protection of animals during transport (EU project)
- Certification:Certification of Control Posts (EU project)
- QualityControl Post: Renovation and promoting high quality control posts in EU (EU project)
- AfricanFruits:Supply chain management approach to minimize postharvest loss in fruits and vegetables (Swedish Research council)
- Welfare: Animal welfare aspect at farm, transport and abattoir with special emphasis on housing conditions and loading facilities at the farm
- TransTime:Effect of transport time up to 12 hours on cattle and pigs welfare (Swedish Meats)
- LocalFood Logistics: Effective Logistics systems for Local food production chain (Vinnova)
- Milkround: Integration of networks of small scale producers and their supply
- CATRA:Cattle transport and welfare in relation meat quality (EU project)
- WELFARE-Camel:A project on the evaluation of working performances of Camels of various races (the project was performed in Kenya)
- COSTACTION on Animal welfare (EU project)
- DAPS:Optimization of Draught animal power and implement system, under the main project on Resource conservation and sustainable agriculture with special emphasis on draught animal power and conservation tillage (SIDA-funded project that conducted in Ethiopia and Kenya)
- PIGTRANS:Improving the welfare of slaughter pigs during handling and transport
- FARMTRANS: Animal transport from farms to abattoir in relation to animal welfare, meat quality and environment (in co-operation with meat industry and transport company);
- Mobileabattoir: A project on mobile and semi-mobile abattoir as an alternative to conventional abattoir system
- ART:Agricultural rural transport in Eastern Africa (SIDA and DFID(UK) funded project and six partners from four countries (Kenya, Sweden, UK and Germany)
- ANTRANS:Integrated project in Animal welfare and transport
- ASCI:Agricultural Supply Chain Improvement through mode choice, localisation, route optimisation and suppliers’ delivery strategy;
- SAMTRA:Co-ordinated goods distribution in Uppsala city to attenuate environmental impact (a project performed in collaboration with Uppsala Municipality and Skandi Transport System);
- MODTRANS:A simulation model for fuel consumption and emission emanated from goods transport trucks;
- ATRANS:Material flow within agricultural sector
- SATRA:Co-ordinated goods transport in agricultural sector to promote environmentally sustainable goods transport system (Project conducted in co-operation with Arla, ODAL, Swedish Meats)
- VISA:Co – ordinated food distribution and its environmental consequences (in cooperation with Bakeries, meat industries, food distribution companies, transport companies, Transport research institute (TFK), and Uppsala Municipality)
- CUDEV : Curriculum development and appropriate literature for various levels of education in the field of Agricultural Engineering (a pilot project under the UNDP regional project in Eastern and Southern Africa and financed by SIDA)
- ARGO:Assessing ergonomic efficiency of hand tools for small scale agriculture in developing countries
- USTRA:Universities co-ordinated goods transport with special reference to University of Uppsala and Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Collaboration with producers and food processing and distribution companies
In the implementation of the above activities, collaborative relations have been established with research institutions, agricultural and food producing and distributing companies and relevant governmental and non-governmental institutions.
On International level, research network with several institutions have been established, and various projects have been conducted.
Refereeing scientific papers
Gebresenbet provide service for the following scientific journals by reviewing submitted manuscripts:
- Journalof Biosystems Engineering
- DeutscheTierärztliche Wochenschrift,
(c) Journal of International Logistics Management
(d) Journal Scheduling
- Journalof Animal welfare
- Journalsoil tillage
- Journalof Transport Geography
- Journal of Supply Chain Management
- Transportation research
- Sustainability
- Transportation research record
- Journal of Animal Science
- Sustainability
Organizing international technical meetings, seminars, courses and workshops
With in the last ten years, Gebresenbet organized and coordinated the following,
- Seriesof seminars for KUT, contact forum for technologies for developing countries,
- Organisedinternational workshops on animal welfare
at SLU, Sweden, Nairobi (Kenya), Maputo (Mozambique), Brussels (Belgium)
- Organized Inauguration Conference of Oromo Society of Science and Technology
- Organized and has been teaching on international course on Logistics and Transport at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Research collaboration and professional linkage with international institutions
In the progress of research activities, collaborative research linkages have been established with the following universities and institutions. More than 50% of my research activities are dedicated to international, where networks and research projects at EU level are predominant. Moreover, many projects related to Africa have been performed and I am currently the Scientific Coordinator for the Excellence Centre in Ethiopia in Logistics systems where Animal chain is the main component.
University of Nairobi, Kenya Silsoe Agricultural college, UK,
Silsoe research institute, UK University of Warwick, UK
International Livestock Research Institute,
ILRI, in Ethiopia and Kenya University of Mondlane, Mozambique University of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe Sokoine niversity of Agriculture,Tanzania Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand Finish meat research institute, Finland University of Kassel, Germany Awasa college, A.A. University, Ethiopia Hanover School of Veterinary Science, Institute for
Animal Hygiene and Animal Welfare, Germany Laboratory for Quality Care in Animal
Production, Katholieke Universiteit,Belgium
University of Ljubljana, Institute for environment
and animal hygiene, Slovenia Norwegian Meat Research Centre – NMRC, Fagsenteret for kjøtt, Norway
Universidad de Zaragoza, Departamento de
Produccion Animal Facultad de Veterinaria, Spain Università di Bologna , Italy
ATRIA Meat industry, Finland Federal Institute for health protection of consumers and veterinary medicine, Germany
Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia
Kwame Nkruma Univerity Ghana Ambo university, Ethiopia
Kassel University, Germany
Beside the above institutions, Gebresenbet is currently coordinating an Integrated project with 19 EU member states and two non-member states.
Countries of experience
Kenya, Ethiopia, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Mozambique, Thailand, South Africa, Slovenia, Russia, Norway, Ireland, Italy, UK, France, Germany, Belgium, The Netherlands, and Finland, Greece
International congresses, conferences and workshops
Gebresenbet participated in over 80 conferences, mainly by presenting papers.
Keynote speaker: Gebresenbet has been invited and presented keynote papers and research papers on numerous international conferences, congresses, workshops, and seminars. He also participated on many conferences without presenting papers.
Professional membership
- Oromo Society of Science and Technology (Founder and President)
- NordicSociety of Agriculture Sciences
- Societyof European Agricultural Engineers
- WorldTransport Congress
- SällskapetRiksdagsledamöter och forskare (Members of Swedish Parliament and researchers’ cooperation)
- Memberof Southern and Eastern African Society of Agricultural Engineers, SEASAE,
- Memberin Animal Traction Network for Eastern and Southern Africa, ATNESA
Pedagogical activities
Teaching in graduate and undergraduate education
1986 – 1989: Participated in teaching in the subject areas of mechanics (strength of materials, finite element), thermodynamics
1989 – 2012: Developed and managed two new courses: Technologies for developing countries, part I, and II
1992 – to date : Participate in teaching of courses in the following subjects
- Logisticsand Transport
- Freight Transport and Logistics
- Designand development
- Supplychain management
- City Logistics
- Animaltransport and welfare
- Traceability
- Thermodynamics,theory of machine and mechanism; machine element
- Fieldmachinery;
- Dynamics of farm machinery elements
- Advanced tractor engineering
- Internationalcourse on Animal Traction and welfare;
- Researchmethodologies
- Sustainable technologies in low-income countries
- Supply and value chain approaches to reduce post-harvest losses
International course:
- Gebresenbetdeveloped and organized international course on welfare of working animals and the course has been given in Mozambique, Kenya, Zimbabwe and
- Gebresenbet has been teaching Freight Transport and Logistics at Addis Ababa University in Ethiopia since 2008
Literature for Education: By the request of UNDP, Gebresenbet worked on selections of available and appropriate teaching literature for education in Agricultural engineering in developing countries.
Teaching materials
Handouts: For all course Gebresenbet has been teaching hitherto, he has produced handouts for students.
Slides and video: As teaching aids, Gebresenbet produced and organized slides and video films for course he has been teaching.
Gebresenbet uses mainly his own research findings for teaching and some samples are enclosed.
Supervision and guidance of PhD and MSc students
MFS: Hitherto, Gebresenbet advised and guided seven Minor Field Study (MFS) students (5 in Africa and three in Latin America) in the subjects: Energy, soil conservation, small scale mechanization, Draught animal power and water.
MSc: Gebresenbet has supervised over 100 MSc students including Minor Field Studies in Africa and Latin America. Currently I am supervising 8 MSc students in Ethiopia and Ghana.
PhD: Up to now, 17 PhD students have successfully defended their thesis under my supervision and I have also been assistant supervisor for three other PhD students.
- CajsaElvesson
- LenaRhode
- DavidLjungberg
- IsabelleWikner
- EmmanuelBobobe
- AndersLarsolle
- TechaneGari Bosona
- SamuelAradom
- AllanKomakech
- AnerudErik
- Fufa Sorri Bullita
- Ingrid Nordmark
- Joel Kinobe
- Tadesse Kenea
- Ashenafi Chaka
- Fekede Terefe
- Abel Kebede Reda
Currently Gebresenbet is supervising 11 PhD students.
- Helena Zewdie
- Mahlet Tadesse
- Yesuneh Gizaw
- Dessie Tarekegn
- Amanuel Gebisa Aga
- Samuel Ketema
- Mulu Kitaba
- Misganaw Abebaw Hailu
- Fentaw Teshome
- Teshome Kumsa
- Fiker Hailemelekot Gizaw
Mass-media experience and spreading of research information on news papers
For the dissemination of scientific findings, Gebresenbet appeared many times on various media (TV, Radio and News papers) in Sweden and Ethiopia.
List of Publications
List of publications are classified as (a) referee-evaluated scientific papers, (b) Book chapters, (c)
Conference and workshop papers, (d) Reports
(a) Referee-evaluated scientific papers
- Mamo, T.; Gebresenbet, G.; Gopal, R.; Yoseph, B., Assessment of an Electric Vehicle Drive Cycle in Relation to Minimised Energy Consumption with Driving Behaviour: The Case of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and Its Suburbs. World Electr. Veh. J. 2023, 14, 302. https://doi.org/10.3390/wevj14110302
- Sairoel Amertet and Girma Gebresenbet. Hybridized Renewable Energy for Smart Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) Systems. Energy Exploration & Exploitation, 2023 https://doi.org/10.1177/01445987231209770
- Sairoel Amertet, Girma Gebresenbet, Hassan Mohammed Alwan and Kochneva Olga Vladmirovna. Assessment of Smart Mechatronics Applications in Agriculture: A Review. Sci. 2023,13, 7315. https://doi.org/10.3390/app13127315
- Techane Bosona and Girma Gebresenbet. The Role of Blockchain Technology in Promoting Traceability Systems in Agri-Food Production and Supply Chains. Sensors 2023, 23, 5342, https://doi.org/10.3390/s23115342
- Fituma Lemessa, Belay Simane, Aseffa Seyoum andGirma Gebresenbet. Development-Induced Impacts on the Livelihoods of Displaced Communities: The Case of Bole Lemi Industry Park, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Sustainability 2023, 15, 10719. https://doi.org/10.3390/su151310719
6. Girma Gebresenbet, Techane Bosona, David Patterson, Henrik Persson, Benjamin Fischer, Nerea Mandaluniz, Gherardo Chirici, Aleksejs Zacepins, Vitalijs Komasilovs, Tudor Pitulac, Abozar Nasirahmai. A concept for application of integrated digital technologies to enhance future smart agricultural systems. Smart Agricultural Technology Volume 5, 2023, 100255; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atech.2023.100255
- Abel Kebede Reda, Jose Holguin-Veras, Lori Tavasszy, Girma Gebresenbet& David Ljungberg. Temporal stability of shipment size decisions related to choice of truck type. TRANSPORTMETRICA A: TRANSPORT SCIENCE https://doi.org/10.1080/23249935.2023.2214635
- Abel Kebede Reda, Lori Tavasszy, Girma Gebresenbet, David Ljungberg.
Modelling the effect of spatial determinants on freight (trip) attraction: A spatially autoregressive geographically weighted regression approach. Research in Transportation Economics 99 (2023) 101296
- Fituma Lemessa, Belay Simane, Assefa Seyoum and Girma Gebresenbet. Assessment of the Impact of Industrial Wastewater on the Water Quality of Rivers around the Bole Lemi Industrial Park (BLIP), Ethiopia. Sustainability 2023, 15, 4290. https://doi.org/10.3390/su15054290
- Fekede Terefe Gemeda, Dawit Diriba Guta, Feyera Senbeta Wakjira, Girma Gebresenbet. The impacts of industrialization on welfare of expropriated households in Sabata Town of Ethiopia. European Journal of Sustainable Research, 2023, 7(1), e-ISSN: 2542-4742
- Amanuel Gebisa, Girma Gebresenbet, Rajendiran Gopal and Ramesh Babu Nallamothu. A Neural Network and Principal Component Analysis Approach to Develop a Real-Time Driving Cycle in an Urban Environment: The Case of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Sustainability 2022, 14, 13772. https://doi.org/10.3390/su142113772
- Mahlet Demere Tadesse, Helen Zewdie Kine, Girma Gebresenbet, Lóránt Tavasszy and David Ljungberg. Key Logistics Performance Indicators in Low-Income Countries: The Case of the Import–Export Chain in Ethiopia.Sustainability 2022, 14, 12204
- Helen Zewdie Kine;Girma Gebresenbet; Lorent Tavasszy; and David Ljungberg. Digitalization and Automation in Intermodal Freight Transport and their Potential Application for Low-Income Countries. Future Transp. 2022, 2, 41–54.
- Haileyesus Dejene, Fufa Abunna, Ashenafi Chaka Tuffa, Girma Gebresenbet. Epidemiology and Antimicrobial Susceptibility Pattern of coli O157:H7 Along Dairy Milk Supply Chain in Central Ethiopia. Veterinary Medicine: Research and Reports 2022:13 131–142
- Amanuel Gebisa, Girma Gebresenbet, Rajendiran Gopal and Ramesh Babu Nallamothu. Driving Cycles for Estimating Vehicle Emission Levels and Energy Consumption. Future Transp. 2021, 1, 615–638. https://doi.org/10.3390/futuretransp1030033
- Tadesse Kenea Amentae andGirma Gebresenbet. Digitalization and Future Agro-Food Supply Chain Management: A Literature-Based Implications. Sustainability 2021, 13, 12181. https://doi.org/10.3390/su132112181
- Mahlet Demere Tadesse, Girma Gebresenbet, Lorant Tavasszy and David Ljungberg. Assessment of Digitalized Logistics for Implementation in Low-Income Countries. Future Transp. 2021, 1, 227–247. https://doi.org/10.3390/futuretransp1020014
- ChalchisaFana, Jama Haji, Moti Jaleta, Alelign Ademe, Girma Gebresenbet. Vulnerability of Farmers to Crop Farming Risks in Ethiopia: An Integrated Vulnerability Analysis Approach Using Social-Ecological System Sustainable Agriculture Research; Vol. 10, No. 3; 2021
- Techane Bosona and Girma Gebresenbet. Multipurpose simulation model for pasture-based mobile AMS and milk marketing system, Part-I: Pasture, milk yield, and milk marketing characteristics. May 2021, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, DOI: 1016/j.compag.2021.106212
- Musadag EL Zein, Girma Gebresenbet, 2021. Investigating off-grid systems for a mobile automated milking Facility.Helyon 7 (2021) e06630
- Merga Workesa, Abebe Fanta, Girma Gebresenbet, Ashenafi Chaka. Test and Performance Evaluation of Engine Driven Warqe (Ensete ventricosum) Decorticator. American Journal of Applied Scientific Research, 2021; 7(1): 8-14
- Abel Kebede Reda, Girma Gebresenbet, Lori Tavasszy and David Ljungberg. Identification of the Regional and Economic Contexts of Sustainable Urban Logistics Policies. Sustainability 2020, 12, 8322; doi:10.3390/su12208322
- Fekede Terefe Gemeda1 & Dawit Diriba Guta1, Feyera Senbeta Wakjira1, Girma Gebresenbet, 2020.Occurrenceofheavymetalinwater,soil,andplantsinfieldsirrigated with industrial wastewater in Sabata town, Ethiopia. Environmental Science and Pollution Research https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-020-10621-6
- Fekede Terefe Gemedaa, Dawit Diriba Gutaa, Feyera Senbeta Wakjiraa, Girma Gebresenbet, 2020. Physicochemical characterization of effluents from industries in Sabata town of Ethiopia.Heliyon 6 (2020) e04624
- Arkadiusz Dyjakon, Jan den Boer,Girma Gebresenbet, Techane Bosona, Florian Adamczyk, 2020. Economic Analysis of the Collection and Transportation of Pruned Branches from Orchards for Energy Production. Drewno 2020, Vol. 63, No. 205, DOI: 10.12841/wood.1644-3985.284.01
- Boer J.D., Dyjakon A., Den Boer E.D., Daniel García‐Galindo D., Bosona T., Gebresenbet G.(2020). Life-Cycle Assessment of the Use of Peach Pruning Residues for Electricity Generation. Energies 2020, 13, 2734; https://doi.org/10.3390/en13112734.
- Techane Boson,a, Girma Gebresenbeat, Arkadiusz Dyjakon, 2019. Implementing life cycle cost analysis methodology for evaluating agricultural pruning-to-energy initiatives. Bioresource Technology Reports 6 (2019) 54-62
- Girma Gebresenbet, Techane Bosona; Sven-Olof Olsson; Daniel Garcia; Smart System for the optimization of logistics performance of pruning biomass value chain. Applied Science, 2018
- Techane Bosona andGirma Gebresenbet, Swedish Consumers’ Perception of Food Quality and Sustainability in Relation to Organic Food Production. Foods, 2018 Apr 1, 7(4)
- Tadesse Kenea Amentae, Girma Gebresenbet and David Ljungberg, 2018. Examining the interface between supply chain governance structure choice and supply chain performances of dairy chains in Ethiopia. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, DOI: 10.22434/IFAMR2018.0001
- Techane Bosonaand Girma Gebresenbet, 2018. Life cycle analysis of organic tomato production and supply in Sweden. Journal of cleaner Production 196(2018) 635-643
- Adane Hailu Dibaba1, Ashenafi Chaka Tuffa, Endrias Zewdu Gebremedhin3, Gerbaba Guta Nugus4, and Girma Gebresenbet, Microbiota and Physicochemical Analysis on Traditional Kocho Fermentation Enhancer to Reduce Losses (Gammaa) in the Highlands of Ethiopia.Microbiol. Biotechnol. Lett. (2018), 46(3), 210–224
- Techane Bosona, Girma Gebresenbet and Sven-Olof Olsson, 2018.Traceability System for Improved Utilization of Solid Biofuel from Agricultural Prunings. Sustainability 2018, 10, 258.
- Techane Bosona and Girma Gebresenbet, 2018. Swedish Consumers’ Perception of Food Quality and Sustainability in Relation to Organic Food Production. Foods, 2018
- Bosona, T., Gebresenbet, G., Olsson S-O, Garcia D., Germer, S. (2018). Evaluation of a Smart System for the Optimization of Logistics Performance of a Pruning Biomass Value Chain. Applied sciences.2018, 8(10), 1987; https://doi.org/10.3390/app8101987.
- Dyjakon A., den Boer J., García-Galindo D., Adamczyk F., Lopez E., Sebastian F., Suardi A., Gebresenbet G., Jirjis R., Bosona T., Germer S., Bischoff W-A. (2018). Orchards Pruning to Energy – The Results of the Environmental Impact Assessment of the New Logistic Chain Developed within the Europruning Project-Part 2. Agricultural Engineering, 22 (1): 37-48.https://doi.org/1515/agriceng-2018-0004.
- Techane Bosona,Girma Gebresenbet, Evaluating Logistics Performances of Agricultural Prunings for Energy Production: A Logistics Audit Approach Analysis. Logistics, 2018
- Tadesse Kenea Amentae, Tura Kaso Hamo, Girma Gebresenbet, David Ljungberg, 2017.Exploring Wheat Value Chain Focusing on Market Performance, Post-Harvest loss, and Supply Chain Management in Ethiopia: The Case of Arsi to Finfinnee Market Chain. Journal of Agricultural Science, 9, No. 8; 2017
- Abel Kebede and Girma Gebresenbet, 2017. Mapping out goods flow to Addis Ababa city, Ethiopia, and its impact on environment. Transportation Research Procedia 25 (2017) 1008-1020
- Fufa Abunna, Hable Worku, Fikru Gizaw, Fikru Ragassa, Dinka Ayana, Kebede Amenu, Reta Duguma, and Girma Gebresenbet, 2017. Assessment of Post-Harvest Handling Practices, Quality and Safety of Milk and Antimicrobial Susceptibility Profiles of Escherichia coli O157:H7 Isolated From Milk in and around Asella Town, Oromia, Ethiopia. SciMedcentral
- Ashenafi Chaka, Tadesse Kenea Amentae, and Girma Gebresenbet, 2017. Assessment of post-harvest losses of Warqe food products along the supply chain in Central Ethiopia. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 12(9), pp.750-763.
- Ashenafi Chaka Tuffa; Tadesse Kenea Amantae; Girma Gebresenbet, 2017. Value Chain Analysis of Warqe Food Products in Ethiopia, 2017. International Journal of Managing Value and Supply Chains (IJMVSC) Vol. 8, No. 1, March 2017
- Girma Gebresenbet, Samuel Aradom1 and Pascal Gitari Kaumbutho, 2016, Performance and Welfare Status of Working Donkeys. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology A 6 (2016) 108-115
- Ashenafi Chaka, Tadesse Kenea Amentae, and Girma Gebresenbet, 2016. Analysis of the Supply Chain and Logistics Practices of Warqe Food Products in Ethiopia. International Journal on Food System Dynamics 7.3 (2016): 213-228.
- Tadesse Kenea Amentae, Girma Gebresenbet, David Ljungberg, 2015. Characterizing Milk Supply and Marketing Chains and Losses in Wolmera and Ejere Districts of Ethiopia. Journal of Service Science and Management, 8, 823-843
- Tadesse Kenea Amentae, Efa Gobena Tura, Girma Gebresenbet,David Ljungberg, 2016. Exploring value chain and post-harvest losses of Teff in Bacho and Dawo districts of central Ethiopia. Journal of Stored Products and Postharvest Research 7(1), 11-28
- TadesseKenea Amentae, Girma Gebresenbet (2015). Evaluation of Performances of Intermodal Import-Export Freight Transport System in Journal of Service Science and Management, 2015, 8, 57-70
- Fufa Sorri Bulitta, Samuel Aradom,Girma Gebresenbet, 2015. Effect of Transport Time of up to 12 Hours on Welfare of Cows and Bulls. Journal of Service Science and Management, 2015, 8, 161-182
- Joel Kinobe, Charles B. Niwagaba, Girma Gebresenbet, Allan J. Komakech & Björn Vinnerås (2015). Mapping out the solid waste generation and collection models: The case of Kampala City, Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 65:2, 197-205, DOI: 10.1080/10962247.2014.984818
- SamuelFrimpong , Girma Gebresenbet,*, Emmanuel Bobobee, Elias Aklaku and Ibrahim Hamdu. (2014) Effect of Transportation and Pre-Slaughter Handling on Welfare and Meat Quality of Cattle: Case Study of Kumasi Abattoir, Ghana. Vet. Sci. 2014, 1, 174-191; doi:10.3390/vetsci1030174
- Allan Komakech , Noble E. Banadda , Joel R. Kinobe , Levi Kasisira , Cecilia Sundberg , Girma Gebresenbet & Björn Vinnerås (2014). Characterization of municipal waste in Kampala, Uganda, Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 64:3, 340-348, DOI: 10.1080/10962247.2013.861373
- ZebeneLemma, Woubit Dawit, Mulugeta Negari, Ashenafi Chaka, Thangavel Selvara and Girma Gebresenbet (2014). Identification of post-harvest rotting microorganisms from tomato fruits (Solanum esculentum Mill)min Toke Kutaye district of West Shoa zone, Academic journal, vol 5(3) pp 14-19
- AllanJohn Komakech & Noble Ephraim Banadda & Girma Gebresenbet & Björn Vinnerås (2014). Maps of animal urban agriculture in Kampala City (2014). Sustain. Dev. (2014) 34:493–500, DOI 10.1007/s13593-013-0164-7
- Bosona,, Nordmark, I., Gebresenbet, G., Ljungberg, D. (2013). GIS-based analysis of integrated food distribution network in local food supply chain. International Journal of Business and Management; Vol. 8, No. 17; 2013
- TechaneBosona, Girma Food traceability as an integral part of logistics management in food and agricultural supply chain. Food Control 33 (2013) 32e48
- AnerudE, Jirjirs R, Gebresenbet (2012). Evaluation of the performance of a three-dimensional vibrating test rig for cleaning stumps. Australian Journal of Agricultural Engineering 3(2), 51-58
- ErikAnerud, Raida Jirjis & Girma Gebresenbet (2013). Cleaning of harvested Norway spruce stumps using a vibration-based International. Journal of Forest Engineering, 2013 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14942119.2013.798934
- AbebeTadesse, Techane Bosona, Girma Gebresenbet (2013). Rural Water Supply Management and Sustainability: The Case of Adama Area, Ethiopia. Journal of Water Resource and Protection, 2013, 5, 208‐ 221
- GirmaGebresenbet, Isabel Wikner, Emmanuel Yaovi Hunnuor Bobobee, Gustavo Maria and Morris (2012). Effect of Transport Time and Handling on Physiological Responses of Cattle. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology A 2 (2012) 800-814
- AddisBekele, Techane Bosona, Ingrid Nordmark, Girma Gebresenbet, David Assessing the Sustainability of Food Retail Business: The Case of Konsum Värmland, Sweden. Journal of Service Science and Management, 2012, 5, 373-385
- BulittaF., Gebresenbet G. Bosona T.G. 2012. Animal handling during supply for marketing and operations at an abattoir in developing country: The case of Gudar market and Ambo abattoir, Ethiopia Journal of Service science and management 59-68
- FrimpongS., Gebresenbet G, Bosona G., Bobobee E., Aklaku E., Hamdu I. 2012. Animal Supply and Logistics Activities of Abattoir Chain in Developing Countries: The Case of Kumasi Abattoir, Ghana Journal of Service Science and Management 20-27
- GebresenbetG. Effect of flower farming on environment, social and health with special emphasis on Oromia in Ethiopia Journal of US-China Public Adminstration vol. 9 nr 2 150-161
- GebresenbetG; Bosona G. 2012. Logistics and Supply Chains in Agriculture and Food 125-146
- Joel Kinobe1, Girma Gebresenbet and Björn Vinnerås 2012. Reverse Logistics Related to Waste Management with Emphasis on Developing Countries—A Review Paper. Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering B 1 (2012) 1104-1118
- GirmaGebresenbet, Techane Bosona1, Mulualem Feleke and Emmanuel Yaovi Honnuor 2012. Improving Loading Facilities and Methods to Minimize Stress on Animals during Transport from Farm to Abattoir. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology A 2 (2012) 784- 799
- SamuelAradom, Girma Gebresenbet, Fufa Sorri Bulitta, Emmanuel Yahoovie Bobobee and Musa 2012. Effect of Transport Times on Welfare of Pigs. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology A 2 (2012) 544-562
- BosonaG., Gebresenbet G, Nordmark I., Ljungberg D. 2011. Box-Scheme Based Delivery System of Locally Produced Organic Food: Evaluation of Logistics Performance Journal of Service Science and Management vol. 4 nr 3 357-367
- BosonaG., Gebresenbet G. 2011. Cluster Building and Logistics Network Integration of Local Food Supply Chain. Biosystems Engineering vol. 108 293-302
- BosonaG., Gebresenbet G., Nordmark I., Ljungberg D. 2011. Integrated logistics network for the supply chain of locally produced food, Part I: Location and route optimization analyses. Journal of Service Science and Management vol. 4 nr 2 174-183
- Gebresenbet 2011. Large scale flower production in Oromia: From independent farmers to low- wage hired workers New Routes: A journal of peace research and action vol. 16/4 5-7
- Gebresenbet, Bosona T.G., Ljungberg D., Aradom Messmer S. 2011. Optimisation analysis of large and small-scale abattoirs in relation to animal transport and meat distribution. Australian Journal of Agricultural Engineering vol. 2 nr 2 31-39
- Gebresenbet, Nordmark I., Bosona T.G., Ljungberg D. 2011. Potential for optimised food deliveries in and around Uppsala city, Sweden. Journal of Transport Geography vol. 19 nr 6
- GebresenbetG, Aradom S, Bulitta F S, Hjerpe 2011. Vibration levels and frequencies on vehicle and animals during transport. Biosystems Engineering, 2011, 1-10
- BulittaFS, Bosona TG, Gebresenbet 2011. Modelling the dynamic response of cattle heart rate during loading for transport. Australian journal of agricultural engineering, AJAE 2(3):66-73 (2011)
- BosonaT, Gebresenbet G, Fufa Bulitta. 2011. Modeling the dynamic response of camels’ heart rate to physical activities. Livestock Science, Volume 142, Issues 1–3, December 2011, Pages 138-146
- BosonaT, Gebresenbet G, Nordmark I, Ljungberg 2011. Integrated Logistics Network for the Supply Chain of Locally Produced Food, Part I: Location and Route Optimization Analyses. Journal of Service Science and Management, 2011, 4, 174-183
- GebresenbetG, Nordmark I, Ljungberg D; Bosona 2011. Potential for optimised food deliveries in and around Uppsala city, Sweden. Journal of Transport Geography 19 (2011) 1456–1464
- GebresenbetG, Bosona TG, Ljungberg D, and Aradom 2011. Optimisation analysis of large and small-scale abattoirs in relation to animal transport and meat distribution. Australian journal of agricultural engineering. AJAE 2(2):31-39 (2011)
- BosonaG. and Gebresenbet G. (2010). Cluster Building and Logistics Network Integration of Local Food Supply Chain. Biosystems Engineering (2011) 293-302.
- *BosonaG. and Gebresenbet G. (2010). Modeling Hydropower Plant System to Improve its Reservoir Operation. International Journal of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering, Vol. 2(4), pp. 87–94.
- EvangeliaSossidou, M. Broom, L.T. Cziszter, R. Geers, G. Gebresenbet, E. Szücs ―Welfare of Long Distance Transportation of Cattleǁ (2009) Lucrări Ştiintifice Zootehnie Şi Biotehnologii, Volume 42 (2): 603-613
- LjungbergD, Gebresenbet , Aradom, S. 2007. Logistics Chain of Animal Transport and Abattoir Operations. Biosystems Engineering (2007) 96(2), 267-277
- Bobobee,Y.H., Gebresenbet, G, 2007. Effect of cutting edge thickness and state of weare of ploughshare on draught force and heart rate of Sanga oxen in Ghana. Soil & Tillage Research 95 (2007) 298-307
- Bobobee,Y.H., Sraku-Lartey, K., Fialor, S.C., Canacoo E.A., Agodzo S.K., a, Albert Yawson A., Gebresenbet, G. 2007. Wear rate of animal-drawn ploughshares in
- selectedGhanaian Soil & Tillage Research 93 (2007) 299- 308
- LjungbergD, Gebresenbet 2004. Mapping out the potential for coordinated goods distribution in city centres: The case of Uppsala. International journal of Transport Management 2 (2004) 161- 172
- Rodhe,, Rydberg, T., Gebresenbet, G. 2004. The Influence of Shallow Injector Design on Ammonia emissions and Draught Requirement under Different Soil Conditions. Journal of Biosystems Engineering (2004) 89(2), 237-251
- WincklerC, Capdeville J, Gebresenbet G, Hörning B, Roiha U, Tosi M, Waiblinger S. Selection of parameters for on-farm welfare assessment protocols in cattle and buffalo. Animal Welfare 12, 619-624
- Gebresenbet,,Wikner, I., Van de Water, G., Freson, L. & Geers, R. 2003. A smart system for surveillance of animal welfare during transport. German Veterinary Journal. Vol 110:494-498.
- María,, Villaroel, M. & Gebresenbet, G. 2003. Scoring system for evaluating the stress to cattle of commercial loading and unloading. The Veterinary Record, volume 154, issue 26, 818-821.
- Gebresenbet G, Van de Water G, Geers R, 2003. Information monitoring system for surviellance of animal welfare during transport. Precision Livestock Farming, Wageningen Academic publisher
- Maria,A., Garcia-Belenguer, S., Villaroel, M., Chacón, G., Sañudo, C. & Gebresenbet, G. 2003. Effect of transport time on plasmatic stress parameters in cattle. Animal Welfare 11.
- María,A., Villaroel, M., Sañudo, C. Olleta, J.L. & Gebresenbet, G. 2003. Effect of transport time an ageing on instrumental aspects of beef meat quality. Meat Science 65 (2003) 1335-1340.
- Wikner,, Gebresenbet, G. & Nilsson, C. 2003. Assessment of air quality in commercial cattle transport vehicle in swedish summer and winter conditions. German Veterinary Journal, 2003 110(3):100-4.
- Wikner,, Gebresenbet, G.& Tolo, E. 2003. Dynamic performances of cattle transporting vehicle on Scandinavian roads and behavioural response of animals. German Veterinary Journal, volume 110, 100-104
- Villaroel,, María, G., Sañudo, C., Olleta, J.L. & Gebresenbet, G. 2003. Effect of transport time on sensorial aspects of meat quality. Meat Science. 63, pp 253-257.
- Villarroel,, María, G., Sañudo, C., García-Belenguer, S., Chacón, G. & Gebresenbet, G. 2003. Effect of commercial transport in Spain on cattle welfare and meat quality. German Veterinary Journal, 2003.
- Villarroel,, María, G., Sañudo, C., Sierra, I., García-Belenguer, S. & Gebresenbet, G. 2002. Critical points in the transport of cattle to slaughter in Spain that may compromise the animal’s welfare. Veterinary Record. 149, pp 173-176.
- Gebresenbet,G and Ljungberg, 2001. Coordinated and Route Optimization of Agricultural Goods Transport to attenuate environmental impact. Journal of Agric Engineering, Res . volume 80: 4, 329-342
- ShresthaS.; Singh G and Gebresenbet G. 2000. Optimising Design Parameters of a Mouldboard Plough. Journal of Agricultural Engineering, Research 2000
- Astatke, Gebresenbet, G. 1998. Draft Animal Power and its Research in Ethiopia. Journal of Agricultural mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America, vol 29, NO 4, 1998
- Gebresenbet,, Gibbon, D., Astatke, A. 1997. Draft Animal Power : Lessons from past research and development activities in Ethiopia and indicators for future needs. IRDC Currents,13/14, 1997, Wikstroms, Uppsala, 971324
- Gebresenbet and P.G. Kaumbutho. 1995. Comparative Analysis of the Field Performance of a Reversible Animal-Drawn Prototype and Conventional Mouldboard Ploughs when Pulled by a Single Donkey. Journal of Soil & Tillage Research, 1995, 40: 169-183
- Gebresenbet, 1995. Optimisation of Animal Draught Tillage Implement Systems: Part I,
Performance of a Curved Tillage Implement. Journal Agric Engng Research, 1995, 62, 173-184
- Gebresenbet, Zerbini, E., Astatke, A., Kaumbutho, P. 1997. Optimization of Animal Draught Tillage Implement System: Part II, Development of a Reversible Animal Drawn Plough and a Ridger. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research, 1997, 67: 299-310
- Gebresenbet,G. Dynamic Effects of Speed, Depth and Soil Resistance upon Forces on Plough Components. Journal of Agricultural Engineering, 1992, 51: 47-66
- Gebresenbet,G. Dynamic Behaviour of a Mouldboard Plough. Journal of Soil & Tillage Research, 1992, 25: 75-93
- Gebresenbet, 1992. Effects of Ploughing Speed on the Trajectory of Plough Penetration.
- Journalof Soil & Tillage Research, 1992, 25: 95-102
- Gebresenbet,G and Jönsson, H. Performance of Seed Drill Coulters in Relation to Speed, Depth and Rake Angle. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research, 1992, 52: 121-145
- Gebresenbet,G. Multi-component Dynamometer for Measurement of Forces on Plough Bodies. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research, 1989 42, 85-96.
(b) Chapters in Books
- TechaneBosona and Girma Gebresenbet, 2022. Logistics Chain and Cost Assessment of Prunning to Energy Value Chains: Application of Life Cycle Cost Analysis Approach. In “IntechOpen, Prunus Recent Advances, edited by Ayzin B. Kuden and Ali Kuden. ISBIN 978-1-83969-5882-7 (online); ISBN 978-1-83969-583-4 (eBook)
- GirmaGebresenbet and Techane 2012. Logistics and Supply Chains in Agriculture and Food, IN Path ways to supply chain excellence ISBN: 978-953-51-03677
- GebresenbetG and Sällvik K. 2005. The technical challenge during housing, transport and slaughter: dairy cows. Livestock production and society, Wageningen Academic Publisher, ISBN- 10:90-76998-89-2
- Gebresenbet, 2003. Aktuellt forskningsläge kring djurtransporter: utvärdering och rekommendationer. Statens Offentiga Utredningar: SOU 2003:6 (―Status of research in animal transport: evaluation and recommendationǁ)
(c) Conference and workshop papers
- Girma Gebresenbet, 2021Digitalization and automation in agriculture and potential applications in Low-income countries (keynote paper). EAI ICAST 2021 – 9th EAI International Conference on Advancements of Science and Technology, August 27-29, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia
- Girma Gebresenbet, 2019. Digitalization and enabling technologies to promote smart cities (keynote paper). International conference on Modern Urban Life, August 2, 2019, Kotobe University, Ethiopia
- Girma Gebresenbet, 2019. Trends of Emerging technologies and their utilization (keynote paper). International conference, Ambo Ethiopia
- Girma Gebresenbet, 2019. Digitalization and Automation in Food Production and Supply Chains. Proceedings of 3rdannual conference of Oromo Society of Science and Technology, Adama, Ethiopia
- Girma Gebresenbet, 2019. Agricultural Engineering, Digitalization, and Automationutilization (keynote paper). Stakeholders conference, Ambo, Ethiopia
- Evangelista, P., Williger, B., Gebresenbet, G.,Müller-Steinfahrt, U. (2018) “Rural supply chain management: A literature review and research agenda,” proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference of The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport, Logistics Research Network (LRN), “Managing business for policy and integrated sustainable logistics operations”, 05th-07th September, Plymouth, UK.
- Bukowski, P., Dyjakon, A., den Boer, J., Gebresenbet, G., Germer, S., García-Galindo, D. Comparison of Environmental, Social and Economic Approach to the Pruning Utilization within the Europruning Project.24th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition
- García-Galindo, D., López, E., Gomez, M., Sebastián, F., Gebresenbet, G., Jirjis, R., Kern, J., Germer, S., Pari, L., Suardi, A., Dyjakon, A., den Boer, J., Bukowski, P., Hunkin, S., Bundgaard-Jørgensen, U., Sagarna, J., Lapeña, A., Frackowiak, P., Adamczyk, F., Naldoni, D., Bischoff, W-A., Olsson, S., Kleinert, L., Abadías, J., Deval, X., Poutrin, C. 2016. Europruning Project: Summary of Final Results.24th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition
- García-Galindo, D., Gómez-Palmero, M., López, E., Sebastián, F., Jirjis, R., Gebresenbet, G.,Germer, S., Pari, L., Suardi, A., Lapeña, A., Frackowiak, P., Adamczyk, F., Naldoni, D., Kleinert, L., Abadías, J., Deval, X. Agricultural Pruning Harvesting Demonstrations in Germany, France and Spain. Lessons Learned and Recommendations. 24th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition
- Abel Kebede and Girma Gebresenbet, 2016. Mapping out goods flow to Addis Ababa city, Ethiopia, and its impact on environment. World Conference on Transport Research – WCTR 2016 Shanghai. 10-15 July 2016
- Girma Gebresenbet, Role of Science and Technology on Development. London, UK
- Girma Gebresenbet, Techane Bosona, Sven Olof Olsson, and Daniel Garcia, 2016. Development of smart system for monitoring of wood pruning logistics and definition of its functional specification. Proceeding, EUBCE 2016 -24th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition 6-9 June 2016, Amsterdam
- Techane Bosona, Girma Gebresenbet, and Daniel Garcia, 2016: Logistics performances of agricultural prunings’ supply chain. Proceeding, EUBCE 2016 -24th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition 6-9 June 2016, Amsterdam
- Techane Bosona, Girma Gebresebbet, Sven-Olof Olsson, 2016. Developing traceability system for agricultural pruning. Proceeding, EUBCE 2016 -24th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition 6-9 June 2016, Amsterdam
- Girma Gebresenbet, Impact of large scale investment on livelihood and environment in Oromia. Conference of International Oromo Lawyers Association (IOLA), London, UK
- Girma Gebresenbet, Samuel Aradom, and Albert Mugove Matapo, 2016. Supply chain management approach to reduce post-harvest losses. CIGR-AgEng Conference, Aarhus-Denmark
- Chombie Bitew and Girma Gebresenbet, 2016. Analysis of Logistics chain of fertilizer from Djibouti port to farmers in Ethiopia. CIGR-AgEng Conference, Aarhus-Denmark
- GirmaGebresenbet, City Logistics, focusing on main approaches and case studies at SLU. Hållbara Godstransporter & City Logistik, Eskilstuna, Sweden
- GirmaGebresenbet (2014). Evaluation of Floriculture Production and Supply Chain in Oromia in Relation to Environment and 28th Annual Conference of OSA, August 2-3, 2014, Washington DC, USA
- GirmaGebresenbet, David Ljungberg, Ingrid Nordmark, Marcelo 2013. Local food producers and their supply and marketing channels in Sweden. 13th WCTR, July 15-18, 2013 – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- DavidLjungberg, Rein Jüriado, Girma Gebresenbet. 2013. Conceptual Model for local food logistics system.13th WCTR, July 15-18, 2013 – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Gebresenbet 2011. Animal welfare – the technical challenge during transport and impact on welfare and meat quality. Conference on welfare of farm animals, 7-8 June 2011, Jastrzebiec, Poland
- GebresenbetG, Aradom S, Bulitta F S, Adam 2011. Effect of Transport Time up to 12 Hours on pigs’ welfare. 24th NJF Congress, June 14- 16, 2011, Uppsala, Sweden
- Gebresenbet 2011. Effect of flower farming on Environment and health with special emphasis on Oromia in Ethiopia. ECAS 2011 – 4th European Conference on African Studies. Uppsala 15-18 June 2011, Sweden
- GebresenbetG, Nordmark I, and Bosona 2010. Promoting effective goods distribution through route optimization and coordination to attenuate environmental impact, the case of Uppsala. 12th WCTR, July 11-15, 2010 – Lisbon, Portugal
- GebresenbetG, Aradom S and Hjerpe 2010. Determining vibration levels and frequencies on trucks and animals during transport. AgEng 2010 Conference rom September 6 to September 8 2010 at the Polydome Conference Center of Clermont-Ferrand (France).
- Gebresenbet,G, Bobobee Y.H. Kaumbutho P, and Simpkin P.S. 2010. Work Performance, Physiological and Behavioural Responses of Working Camel. The 6th International Colloquim on Working Equids, 29th of November – 2nd December 2010, Newdelhi, India
- Gebresenbet, 2007. State of the Art in Animal Welfare and work environment analysis: Key note paper at the Regional Workshop on Animal Welfare, livelihood and environment,
- 24thto 28th September 2007 – Nairobi, Kenya
- Gebresenbet,G. Effect of flower farming on environment and health, with special emphasis on Oromia. Workshop on Oromo culture and History. July 7, 2007, London
- Gebresenbet, & Oodally, G. 2006. Guidelines in improving rural infrastructures in Africa.
- InternationalSeminar on The maintenance of rural roads 20th – 21st April 2006, Rabat, Morocco
- Bobobee,Y.H., Gebresenbet, G. 2006. Effect of work endurance on comfort and welfare of draught animals. A case study from Ghana. In: Anne Pearson (ed) Proceedings of the 5th Colloquium on working equines. 30th October – 2nd November 2006, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
- GebresenbetG, Hjerpe 2005. Effect of vibration on tied cows during transport under different stocking densities and standing orientations. NJF Seminar, November 21-22, 2005, Alnarp, Sweden
- Gebresenbet 2005. Physiological reactions of cattle during transport. NJF Seminar, November 21-22, 2005, Alnarp, Sweden
- GebresenbetG. Animal transport and welfare. Local and Regional Food: The Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry publication series 9.2005
- Gebresenbet,G., Wikner , Ljungberg D., Nilsson C., Hankavara M., Hartung J., Holleben, K
- Mahareens, Geers R., Vanderwater G., Dobeic M., Ursa, Tolo E., Maria G., Villarroel M., Nanni Costa L., Svensson L. 2005. Determining of stress inducing factors on cattle during handling and transport to improve animal welfare and meat quality. EAAP conference June 4, 2005, Uppsala, Sweden
- Gebresenbet,G., and Wikner 2005. Effect of transport time on physiological response of cattle.
- EAAPconferenceJune 4, 2005, Uppsala, Sweden
- Gebresenbet, 2002. Instrumentation to measure animal welfare during transport and handling. International Workshop on Measuring System for Animal data and their Importance for Herd Management on Dairy Cows, Bornin, Germany. 2002-05-23—05-24.
- GebresenbetG. Animal welfare in relation to local abattoir. European conference on local and regional food. September 27-28, 2005, Sweden,
- Gebresenbet,, Ljungberg, D., Geers, G. & Van de Water, G. 2004. Effective logistics to improve animal welfare in the production chain, with special emphasis on farm-abattoir system.
- Internationalcongress on animal production, pp 1-5. Saint-Malo, France, 2004-10-11—2004-10- 13
- Gebresenbet, 2004. Improving rural transport for food security in developing countries. 2nd West Africa Society of Agricultural Engineering on Agricultural Engineering, pp 1-3. Kumasi, Ghana, 2004-09-20—2004-09-24
- Gebresenbet, & Oodally, G. 2004. Rural transport strategy to improve food security in Africa. 4th International Focus Group Meeting on Rural Road Engineering, pp 1-19. Kun Ming, China, 2004-03-10—2004-03-14
- Ljungberg,D. & Gebresenbet, 2004. Analysis of logistics chains for marketing small-scale horticultural production in Kenya. 10th World conference on transport research, Istanbul, Turkiet, 2004-07-04—2004-07-08
- Gebresenbet, Van de Water, and R. Geers. 2003. Information monitoring system for surveillance of animal welfare during transport. Proceedings of the 4th Congress of ECPA and 1st congress ECPLF, Berlin, 2003
- Gebresenbet, 2003. Development of monitoring system for surveillance of animal welfare during animal transport. Proceedings of 54th EAAP meeting, Rom, pp 1-7. 2003-08-31–09-03.
- Gebresenbet,G. Environmental and welfare aspects of slaughter animal transport. The Impact of environmental conditions on animal welfare, ANNALS OF ANIMAL SCIENCE. National Research Institute of Animal Production, No. 1, Krakow
- Gebresenbet, 2002. Logistics and rural transport system. Kick-off Workshop of Agricultural Rural Transport, Nairobi, Kenya. 2002-10-15—10-17.
- Gebresenbet,, Wikner, I. & Nilsson, C. 2002. Assessment of air quality in a commercial cattle transport vehicle in swedish summer and winter conditions. EAAP conference, Cairo, Egypt. 2002- 09-01—09-04
- Gebresenbet,, Wikner,I., Van de Water, G., Freson, L. & Geers, R. 2002. A smart system for surveillance of animal welfare during transport. EAAP conference, Cairo, Egypt. 2002-09-01—09-
- María,, Villaroel, M., Chacón, G. & Gebresenbet, G. 2002. A behavioural score to evaluate loading and unloading cattle for transport. 53rd Annual Meeting, EAAP, Cairo, Egypt. 2002-09- 01—09-04.
- Villaroel,, María, G., Sañudo, C., Olleta, J.L., Sierra, I. & Gebresenbet, G. 2002. Effect of transport time and season on instrumental meat quality of beef meat. 48th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Roma, Italy. 2002-08. pp 366-367, vol 1.
- Villarroel,, María Levrino, G. Sañudo, C., Olleta, J.L. & Gebresenbet, G. 2002. Effect of transport time on sensorial aspects of beet meat quality and ethical quality. 53rd Annual Meeting, EAAP, Cairo, Egypt.
- Gebresenbet,G. Welfare of cattle during road transport. Paper presentation at
- Seminaron EC supported research in farm animal welfare: current work and future 23rd April 2002, CCAB, Brussels
- Gebresenbet, Ljungberg, D. 2002. Investigating the possibility of a coordinated goods delivery service to shopping centres in Uppsala city to reduce transport intensity. In: Sucharov, L.J., Brebbia, C.A. & Benitez, F. Urban Transport VIII: Urban transport and the environment int the 21st century. WIT Press, UK.
- Gebresenbet,G. 2001: Logistics and Rural Agriculture Workshop on Agricultural Rural Transport, October 15 – 17, Nairobi
- Gebresenbet, Ljungberg D. 2000. Satellite steered co-ordinated agricultural goods transport to attenuate environmental impact. Proceedings of International conference on agricultural Engineering, Warwick, 2000, UK
- Gebresenbet,G. Improving animal welfare and environmental impact through route optimization for slaughter animal transport. Proceedings of EurAgEng International Workshop Agricultural Transport. 4-6 October, 1999, Giessen, Germany
- Gebresenbet,G. Effective food distribution in and around Uppsala town through co- ordination and route optimisation. Conference report on local and regional goods transport, December, 2, KFB, Stockholm, 1998
- Gebresenbet,, Kaumbutho, P.G., and Simalenga, T.E . 1998. Overview of Conservation Tillage in East and Southern Africa. Proceedings of the ATNESA International Workshop on Conservation Tillage with Animal Traction for Soil and Water Conservation and Environmental Sustainability. Rundu. Namibia. 5th – 10th October, 1998.
- Gebresenbet, 1998. Environmentally sustainable goods transport in agricultural sector: the role of SLU in agricultural and forestry transport. A discussion paper presented at the seminar in agricultural transport on October 6, 1998, SLU, Sweden
- Gebresenbet, 1997. The Role of draught animal power in rural transport. Paper presented on the Workshop of ATNESA,1997, Debrezeit, Ethiopia
- Gebresenbet,G. Technological and industrial support for rural agricultural transport in
- Eastern Keynote paper, Workshop on Agricultural Rural Transport, Nairobi, 1997
- Gebresenbet, Kaumbutho P.K. 1997. Power Performances of a Single Donkey for Secondary Tillage in Kenya. Paper presented on Workshop ATNESA, Debre Zeit, Ethiopia, 1997
(d) Reports
- Abel Kebede, Hilina Demeke, Raeed Ali, Bikila Teklu, Girma Gebresenbet, 2018. Provision of Baseline Cost Analysis for Supply Chain in Ethiopia, Port and Road Sector. United Nations World Food Programs (UNWFP), Ethiopia Country Office, Contract No. WFP/ET/NF116/2017, May 2018
- Abel Kebede, Bikila Teklu, Girma Gebresenbet, Freight Management for the city of Addis Ababa: Part I: Study corridor selection report, Part II: Traffic data collection report, Part III: Data analysis and problem identification report, Part IV: Proposal of effective freight management scheme and technologies, and Phase V: Pilot project implementation methods and strategies. Addis Ababa City Administration Transport Programs Management Office, December 2016
- Girma Gebresenbetand Joseph Mpagalile, 2015. Firm-Level Logistics Systems for the Agrifood sector in Sub-Saharan Africa. Food and Agriculture Organzation of United Nations, Rome, 2015
- Mounaix B; Mirabito, L; Chevillon, P; Sossidou, E; D’albenzio, S; Messori,S; Marahrens, M; Steinkamp, K; Gebresenbet, G; Ferrari,P; Rossi,P; Gastaldo,A; Leso, L; de Roest,K. 2013. Handbook for high quality control post for cattle, pigs and sheeps. https://www.slideshare.net/ControlPost/handbook-en
- DavidLjungberg, Girma Gebresenbet, Ingrid Nordmark, Techane Gari Bosona, Samuel Aradom, Rein Jüriado, Marcelo Cardoso, Lauren 2012. Lokal matlogistik, Möjligheter till utveckling, effektivisering och integration med storskaliga logistikkedjor (Local food Logistics, possibilities for development, effectuating and integration with large scale logistics chains). Rapport 055; ISSN 1654- 9406 Uppsala, Sweden, 2012
- BaltussenW, Gebresenbet G, and de Roest 2011. Study on the impact of Regulation (EC) No 1/2005 on the protection of animals during transport. http://www.ibf.be/animalstransport/reports/12%2007%202011-Final%20Report.pdf
- Gebresenbet,G, Baltussen, W, De Roos 2010. Evaluation of the Feasibility of a Certification Scheme for High Quality Control Posts in relation to animal welfare: http://ec.europa.eu/food/animal/welfare/financing/docs/call_10753-
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- Björklund,, Cardoso, M., Gebresenbent, G., Gossas, C., Hallberg, C., Ljungberg, D. och Strömblad, F. 2008, De lokala matproducenterna och dagligvaruhandeln: kartläggning – hinder och möjligheter – förslag. Livsmedelssverige, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet: Uppsala, Sweden
- Ljungberg, Gebresenbet G., Kilström M., Ortiz C. 2006. ASCI: Improving the agricultural supply chain, Case studies in Uppsala region. Vinnova report VR 2006:03
- Gebresenbet, Wikner I., Ladberg E., Holm P., Nilsson C., Svensson L.2005. Effect of transport time on welfare and meat quality. Department of Biometry and Engineering, SLU, Sweden. Report 2005:02, 2005
- Gebresenbet,G. Catra: Minimising stress inducing factors on cattle during handling and transport to improve animal welfare and meat quality. Final report submitted to EU
- Sällvik,, Gebresenbet, G., Gustafsson, G., Jeppsson, K.H., Lundgren, A.K., Rntzer, D., Svendsen, J. 2004. Transport av slaktsvin från gård till slakteri, – studier av klimat, beteende och vibrationer I bilen, skador på djuren samt forslag på förbättringar. Rapport 1, JBT, SLU
- JoaquìnPèrez Porras and Gebresenbet G. Review of Biogas development in Developing Countries with special emphasis in India. Department of Agricultural Engineering, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Report 252, 2003.
- Ljungberg, D& Gebresenbet, G & Eriksson, H (2002). SAMTRA – samordning av gods- transporter (Investigating possibilities and hinder for coordinated goods distribution in the City central of Uppsala). Report 249, Department of Agricultural Engineering, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala
- Gebresenbet,G and Ljungberg, 2001. Coordinated goods transport within agricultural sector to
- promotesustainable transport VINNOVA report, ISBN 91-89588-17-7, Sweden
- YazdanPanah H, Ljungberg, D; Lundberg, M and Gebresenbet, 2001. USTRA: University goods transport: Mapping of goods transport within the Uppsala University and Swedish University of Agric sciences. Report 246, Dept of Agric Engineering, SLU, Uppsala, Sweden
- Wetterwik,, och Gebresenbet, G. 1999. VISA – Varudistribution i samverkan. Rapport, TFK
- HedbergE, and Gebresenbet G, 1999: Mobila och semi-mobila slakterier som alternativa slaktsystem (ǁMobile and semi-mobile abattior as an alternative to the conventional slaughter systemǁ). Rapport 238, LT, SLU, Sweden
- Gebresenbet, 1999. Agricultural goods transport and environment: visions, strategies and the role of SLU in the development of environmentally sustainable transport. Dept of Agric Engng, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Report 235, 1999, Sweden
- Gebresenbet, 1999. Promoting effective goods distribution through route optimization and coordination to attenuate environmental impact, the case of Uppsala. Dept of Agric Engng, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Report 240, 1999, Sweden
- Gebresenbet,; Eriksson, B. 1998. Effects of transport and handling on animal welfare, meat quality and environment with special emphasis on tied cows. Report 233, 1998, Dept of Agric Engngn, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Report 233, 1998, Sweden
- Gebresenbet,G, Oostra, 1997. Environmental impact of goods transport with special emphasis on agricultural and related products: Part 1: A Simulation model for goods transport and environmental research, MODTRANS. Dept of Agric Engng, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Report 219, 1997, Uppsala, Sweden
- Gebresenbet, Wikner I., Ladberg E., Holm P., Nilsson C., Svensson L. Effect of transport time on welfare and meat quality. Department of Biometry and Engineering, SLU, Sweden. Report 2005:02, 2005
- Gebresenbet 1992. A literature search for Agricultural system Engineering education in Developing countries: Selected bibliography. Report 160, Department of Agricultural Engineering, SLU