The Department of Sport Sciences
The sports science department evolved from the health and physical education (HPE) department at Ambo Agricultural College a long time ago. Since Ambo University was recognized and opened in 2010, the Sports Science Department has taught undergraduates. The first batch that graduated at the BSc level with a bachelor’s degree in sport science was in 2013. Nowadays, the sports science department teaches at the undergraduate and graduate study levels. Since 2020, the sports science department has been teaching postgraduate students in different streams, for instance, football coaching, athletics coaching, and exercise physiology science. The sports science department participated in the higher education sports festival to motivate students about the benefits of physical activity and physical fitness at the university level. During the department’s participation in the sports festival, it worked on image construction and achieved trophies and medals in different sports disciplines. The sports science department is working with a community in athletics and has achieved prominent outcomes through this participation at the Ormia and representing the Oromia athletics federation at Ethiopian athletics competitions. A lot of young athletes have been represented in Oromia athletic competitions. The sports science department is still striving for more community service to help young athletes in different sports disciplines. Today, under the sports science department, there are adequate sports facilities on the main campus and Hachalu campus. Standard stadiums, a gymnasium, and various other volleyball, handball, basketball, and ground tennis facilities are available