Midwifery Department
- Ambo university midwifery department was established in 2004 E.C. Currently the department have 21 staff, (1PHD, 4 Assistant professors, 13 Lecturers, 2 BSc, 1diploma midwife 1Secretory). The department has one post graduate program in Maternity and reproductive health nursing. As a Midwifery department is a practice oriented professional education and training, the students become competent through practice in demonstration room; facility (health Centre, hospitals) followed by professional practice/internship and community-based training and team trainings in different community setups. Every year, 30 to 40 students graduated in undergraduate and 5 to 10 students graduated in postgraduate programs.The overall objective of undergraduate Midwifery program is to have competent midwifery professionals who are efficient practitioner, leader and researcher in all midwifery and reproductive health services at all levels of health care system.The Department is made up of teaching/academic staff, researchers, support staff and other students like you.The Department delivers full-time pre-registration professional programmes, a range of taught bachelor’s degree, and master’s programme.
- The Department aims to develop the role of scientific evidence in maternal and child health, and healthcare services related to sexual and reproductive for youth and adolescent, through high quality research, teaching and other forms of dissemination. The Department of midwifery is one of the excellent departments on campus and supports hundreds of students each year on a broad range of taught and research programmes.