Teachers Education

Welcome to Teacher Education Department

The department of Teacher education has its roots in the pioneering Ambo agricultural College, which used to run professional and pedagogical courses to teachers of General Agriculture. The department, once belonged to the department of Educational leadership and pedagogical sciences, in the summer of 2013 became an independent department under the Institute of Education and Behavioural Sciences.

The Department of Teacher Education educates professionals who are able to respond to the changing needs of school and the teaching profession. Our goal is to facilitate the students’ growth into self-reflective, ethically responsible educators with the ability to participate in the profession and scientific community of their field. The focus of our professional and pedagogical development work, research and community service, is geared towards schools, classrooms and workplaces in the education sector.

The department has a total six academic staff with professorships that covers pedagogical science, curriculum development and international and comparative education. The teaching staff represent the expertise and experience of teaching professional and pedagogy courses in all fields of subject areas taught both in primary and secondary schools. We offer practical training and profession-oriented post-graduate programme in Teaching, master’s and PhD degree programmes in curriculum and Instruction. We have a broad portfolio of in-service and continuing education options for teachers and curriculum experts.