Academic Affairs VP
I am pleased to welcome you to the Web site of the Ambo University Academic Affairs vice president’s Office. As Academic Affairs vice president, I am responsible for providing strategic vision, leadership and management for the Academic Affairs Division of the university, which includes Four campuses and Ten colleges, Office for the University Registrar, Office for Educational Quality Assurance and Enhancement, office for Academic Programming and Development, School of Graduate studies, Office for Continuing Education and Academic Information Services/Library. As Academic Affairs vice president, I also work closely with other divisions of the university such as Human Resource, Finance, budget and planning to ensure the close association of these divisions with academic programs and students.
In the Academic Affairs Division, we support Ambo University’s mission by encouraging excellence and innovation in teaching, Internationalization, scholarship, Equity and inclusion, student development and community engagement, and we strive to prepare students for a lifetime of professional and community contributions in an increasingly interdependent and culturally diverse world. Ambo University’s faculty and staff includes outstanding teachers, researchers, and experts in a variety of academic disciplines and technical fields, all of whom are enthusiastically committed to educating the next generation of scholars, fostering the professional, intellectual, and research skills they need for success in any professional domain—from academia and government to industry.
We are investing in advancing innovation in all academic programs, to improve the lives of our community and in engaging educationally more and more with communities beyond our campuses; we have opened four satellite campuses in different graduate and undergraduate programs.
Please take the time to browse the Academic Affairs Vice President Web site and other Ambo University Web pages, to learn more about what Ambo University has to offer.
Thank you for your interest in Ambo University. I hope that you will not only browse our Web site, but come for a visit soon. We’d love to show you around!
Bizunesh Mideksa Borena (PhD) , Vice President for Academic Affairs
Responsible Staff:Â Bizunesh Mideksa Borena (PhD)
Academic Affairs VP Contact Information