Ambo University Referral Hospital

Ambo University Referral Hospital is committed to providing a safe, healing environment for patients and their families. To make this possible, we need the assistance of attendants and visitors in understanding and implementing the following issues:
Respect the limit of 2 visitors per patient at a time and the posted visiting hours
Display your attendant or visitor badge when entering and exiting the ward
To ensure cleanliness and for your protection, please do not bring prohibited items into the wards.
Patient Information Leaflet Ambo University Referral Hospital
Does my child need any tests to confirm the diagnosis?
Diagnosis is usually made from the information you tell your doctor and from examination, without the need for tests.
What treatments are available?
Treatment for constipation and soiling has three phases:
- Disimpaction, or clean out
- Maintenance
- Re-establishing good toileting behaviors
Laxatives (medicines given by mouth for constipation) are normally used and your
doctor will tell you when and how your child should take them. There are different types of laxative but they all work by either making the stool soft and/or stimulating the bowel to push it out.
This treatment can make tummy pain and soiling worse at first, but it will settle down
after about a week. Enemas or suppositories, given up the back passage are sometimes used if laxatives are notsuccessful.
It is very important for your child to continue to take their medicines until the bowel gets back into a healthy shape. Most children need medicines for at least 6 months, which is perfectly safe. Their constipation will have taken time to develop and will take time to treat – it may come back if treatment is stopped too soon or too quickly. You will also need to encourage your child to relearn healthy toileting behavior, which will also take time.
What happens if my child does not get treatment?
Sometimes constipation gets better on its own with a healthy diet and lifestyle.
More often, it gets worse and leads to other problems e.g. tummy pain and decreased appetite and eating, which can affect your child’s growth and development.
Is there anything I can do to help mychild?
You should encourage your child to eat more fiber-rich food e.g. fruit, vegetables and cereals and to drink more fluids and water. Don’t offer your child too much milk though, as this can make their constipation worse.
You should also make sure your child hasregular exercise in a way that they enjoy. Let your child have at least 10 minutes on thet oilet every day to make sure they have passed as much poo as possible and reward their efforts, not the results! Give them small rewards for trying e.g. stickers (not sweets)whether they manage to poo or not. Do not punish your child for soiling – they can’t help it!
Patient Information Leaflet Ambo University Referral Hospital
Febrile Convulsions
This leaflet is for parents whose children have been diagnosed with having a febrile convulsion. It will tell you what this is and how to manage it, should it happen again. If you have any further questions or concerns, please speak to the staff member in charge of your child’s care.
What are febrile convulsions?
Febrile convulsions are a type of fit (seizure) that is triggered by a high temperature in a child. They normally happen between the ages of six months and five years. Approximately five in every one hundred children will have a febrile convulsion by the time they are six years old.
What causes febrile convulsions?
Febrile convulsions occur when children have a temperature usually above 38
degrees Celsius. They can be more common if someone else in the family has had them before. Children who have common viral illnesses such as ear, throat and chest infections and also bacterial infections such as a urinary tract infection may develop these high temperatures.
What are the signs and symptoms of febrile convulsions?
Febrile convulsions can be very scary for the parent and/or caregiver. However they are unlikely to cause harm to your child.
- Most febrile convulsions last between one and five minutes.
- Your child will become dazed and confused.
- They may fall to the floor.
- Your child will become stiff and botharms and legs may start jerking or twitching.
- Their eyes may roll backwards.
- Many children will wet or soil themselves or may bite their tongue.
- After the convulsion has finished they are likely to be sleepy.
Febrile convulsions are described as either ‘simple’ or ‘complex’.
‘Simple’ convulsions will last less than 15 minutes and will not happen again during the same illness.
‘Complex’ convulsions will last more than 15 minutes, affect only one side or part of the body and/or happens again within the same illness.
What do you do if a child is having a febrile convulsion?
- Try to stay calm and make a note of the time when the convulsion starts.
- Stay with the child while the convulsion is happening.
- Ensure the child is safe from harm and move any hard or sharp objects from nearby.
- The safest position in which to put the child is the recovery position with their head tilted slightly backwards.
- Loosen any clothing, especially around the neck.
- If the convulsion lasts longer than 5 minutes or the child does notrecover quickly then you should call for medical help.
Can febrile convulsions be prevented?
Unfortunately febrile convulsions cannot be prevented, they usually happen at the start of illness when the temperature is rising rapidly. You can give:
- Paracetamol four hourly; you must not give more than four doses in 24 hours.
- Ibuprofen 6-8 hourly; you must not give more than three doses in 24 hours.
These will make your child feel more comfortable and reduce their temperature but they do not prevent the convulsion from happening. You must encourage your child to drink lots of fluids when they are unwell. It is not advised that you cool your child down by using water, stripping down and using fans directly on them, but you should remove any extra clothing.
Can a child have more than one febrile convulsion?
Yes, children have a one in three chance of having another febrile convulsion during episodes of illness.
Is my child at risk of developing Epilepsy?
The risk of epilepsy after a simple febrile seizure is 2.0–7.5%.
- Mirga yaalamuu qabaachuu.
- Al-loogummaa.
- Murtii dhimma ofii irratti hirmaachuu.
- Naannoo hawwataa keessatti yaalamuu.
- Ogeessa fedhanin yaalamuu/maqaa ogeessicha beekuu.
- Fedhiin barnootaa fi qorrannoo irratti hirmaachuu.
- Kunuunsa fi eegumsa qabaachuu.
- Yeroo dhukkubsatanii ciisan mirga gaafatamuu/daawwatamuu qabachuu.
- Waliigaltee irra gahanii fedhiin yaalamuu.
- Yaalamuu diduu.
- Yaalii dabalataaf filannoo ol-ergamuu qabaachuu.
- Tajaajjila itti fufinsa qabu argachuu.
- Iccittii eeguu fi eegsifachuu.
- Odeeffannoo yaalii sirrii argachuu.
- Komii hir’isuu.
- Odeeffannoo kennuu.
- Hoji-maata hospitaalaa eeguu.
- Yaalamuu diduun rakkoo uumamuf itti- gaafatamummaa fudhaachuu.
- Maamiltoota fi ogeessotaaf kabaja kenuu.
- Heeraa fi seera hospitaalaa kabajuu.
- Yaaliin booda fedhiin galuu.
Our Services
- Internal Medicine
- General Surgery
- Pediatrics
- Neonatal
- Gynecology
- Obstetrics
- Orthopedics
- Ophthalmology
- Dentistry
- Psychiatry
- Plastic Surgery
- Burn unit
- Urology
- Physiotherapy
- Dermatology
- Neurology
- Private wing
Weekly Schedule: Monday – Friday – Working Time
Specialty Clinic
- Internal Medicine
- General
- Surgery
- Pediatrics
- Gynecology
- Obstetrics
- Orthopedics
- Ophthalmology
- Dental
- Psychiatry
- Dermatology
Weekly Schedule: Monday – Friday – Working Time
Follow Up Clinic
- Internal medicine chronic care
- Surgical follow up clinic
- Gynecology follow clinic
- Pediatric follow clinic
- Orthopedics follow up clinic
Weekly Schedule: Monday – Friday – Working Time
Screening & Diagnostic Services
Ultrasound Clinical Chemistry
Conventional X-ray Hematology
Echocardiography Serology
ECG/EKG Bacteriology
Doppler Ultrasound Culture and sensitivity
Pathology Hormonal assay
FNAC Serum electrolytes
Biopsy Virology
Weekly Schedule: Monday – Friday – Working Time