Ambo University Ethics and Anti-corruption Directorate
Ambo University Ethics and Anti-corruption Directorate is established based on Proclamation No 144/2000 of the council of Ministers of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia with overall duty of coordinating ethical issues and advising the president on such matters. Understanding the economic, social and political crisis caused by corruption in the country, the government has established an ethics and anti-corruption monitoring directorate in our university since 2004 to help prevent the problem before it reaches a worse level.
In cooperation with relevant bodies to ensure transparency and accountability in Ambo university operation by Promoting Anti- corruption education, Preventing corruption and impropriety report corruption offences to the president and federal Ethics and Anti- corruption commission.
Ethics and Anti –Corruption Directorate shall have the objectives to
- Providing professional advisory support to the head of the institution in the field of ethics and anti-corruption.
- Develop and implement the institution’s integrated anti-corruption policy and strategy.
- Creating transparency and accountability in the institution.
- Morally built; it is to prevent corruption and malpractice in the institution by creating a servant-like employee who does not carry corruption and malpractice.
- Endeavor to create public employees who do not condone corruption by promoting ethics and anti-corruption education work discipline, professional ethics, consciousness of serving the public and sense of duty among employees;
- Prevent corruption and impropriety in public offices
- Endeavor to cause acts of corruption and impropriety be exposed and investigated and appropriate actions are taken against the perpetrators.
Brief Description of the Office
The Directorate recognizes and commits itself toward the pursuit of the vision, mission and value   of the university. In light of this, the following are the main and/or focus areas of the office so as to ensure ethics and good governance in the university;
- Conduct continuous awareness creation activities on University ethics and good governance issues; through different ways
- Ensure the overall system and sub-systems of the university are well established transparent and serving the purpose;
- Engage all the university community in the fight against violation of ethics and corruption;
- Build a university environment free of all kinds of malpractices;
- Â Carry out scientific investigations of the corruption symptoms and rent seeking tendencies in all campuses of the university.
- Take corrective measures on committed corruption and/or unethical behaviors based on evidence.
Responsibilities / Services
- Raise the awareness of officers and staffs Ambo University on Anti- corruption polices, Anti- corruption laws, regulations and directives, good conduct and harmful effects of corruption
- Follow up the observance of anti –corruption policies, anti –corruption laws and rules and   procedures of Ambo University and advise the president on their implementation;
- In cooperation with the appropriate department prepare and cause the adoption of code of conduct of  officers and employees of the university and follow –up its implementation;
- In cooperation with the appropriate departments advise the president on ways of improving the governance and service delivery of the university with a view to making them responsive to the demands of the public ; see to it that there is no partiality in service delivers , and report to the president on any findings of such partiality;
- Record and report to the commission and make the president know the same immediately, any incident of corruption it has observed or brought to its attention through whistle blowing ,and follow up the status of the case;
- On ways of prompting ethics , strengthening sense of duty and the protection of employees from reprisal measures so as to encourage disclosure of corruption ,and follow –up the implementation of same ;
- Receive and verify reports on ethical violations in accordance with the rules and directives of the university and submit to the president for recommendation on further investigation and measures to be taken, and follow –up the implementation of same;
- Â Where it believes that the ethical violation is serious or it is found to be serious after investigation, report to the commission immediately and make the president know the same;
-  Where it believes that rules and procedures are violated with respect to recruitment, promotion ,transfer or training of employees , procurement of goods or services or the execution of  other contracts, it shall report to the president with its recommendation on the rectification of the irregularities , and follow up the implementation of same ;
-  Oversee that no influence is made on employee who exposed corruption and ethics infraction; report to the president with concrete evidence the act of  arson who influence or punish or attempt influence or punish such employee, and follow up measures taken against him, where  the influence is from the president, it shall report to the commission the relevant organ of  investigation
- Follow up measures taken based on its finding or that of external auditors as well as the reports of disciplinary and grievance committees and decisions based thereon, and report the same to the president with copies to the commission;
- Maintain list and detail information of the; combating corruption and impropriety, make  the president know about the circumstance and submit the same to the commission when requested;
- Coordinate activities regarding the promotion of ethics and combating corruption and impropriety in the university;
- Prepare and submit to the president and the commission, annual plan program budget for its activities, and implement the same upon approval;
- Â Prepare and submit to the president, with copy to the commission, quarterly and annual performance reports including problems encountered and measures taken to overcome them.
- Â Carry out other duties related to ethical issues specifically given to it in accordance with the relevant laws
 Major Activities performed by the Directorate
- Devised strategies of identifying the main sources of rent seeking and corruption with its combating strategies and distributed for colleges and directorates to do the same.
- Prepared workers code of conduct in order to guide their overall activities and to have ethical workers.
- Adopted check lists to follow up all colleges, offices and directorate weather rules and Guide lines are respected particularly with respect to recruitment, promotion, transfer, procurement of good or services.
- By compiling the finding on the violation of rules, the directorate caused correction measures to be taken on such university employees in cooperation with the appropriate department and university bodies.
- Performed the awareness creation activities through providing training, distributing brochures and leaflets.
- The office also established a chain of collecting information and nomination by disclosing its email, phone and   office address.
- Conducts physical observation to colleges on three weeks interval as per the annual plan of the directorate.
Ethics and Anti-Corruption Director/ Representative
Responsible Staff: Fikadu Kebede Bekele
Tel: +251- 118766495
Mobile: 09-00760617
Ambo University