More Than Half Billion Birr Construction Underway at Ambo
UniversityBy Muleta Duguma
Ambo University has been undertaking different construction
activities on the main campus and at the Woliso and Awaro
sites, with the total cost of 587 million birr, allocated by the
government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.
The construction includes a student dormitory and cafeteria
hall, classrooms, library, administrative building, main gate
arc, oxidation pond, sports fields, and the establishment of
new campuses at Ambo – Awaro, and Woliso.
According to Ato Tadesse Kenea, Administrative and
Development Vice President, some of these construction
activities are finalized and some others are nearing completion,
while the construction of new campuses at Awaro and Woliso are
Among these construction projects, the one taken over by Yotek
Construction four years ago with a lump sum of 91 million birr – two
block student dormitory, oxidation pond, sports field, cafeteria hall
and G+3 classrooms – is finalized and fully operational at present.
Sports Festival Hosted at Ambo UniversitySports Festival Hosted at Ambo University
Continues on page 2
Student dormitory nearing completion at main compus
A race on the newly built track
Conference on English Language Education
held at Ambo University
Ambo University Diversifying Its
Dozens of Proposals on Hand
Gender and Legal Affairs Office
Launched at Ambo University
International Women’s Day at Ambo
Interview with Dr Mitiku Tesso,
President, Ambo University
Chilimo Forest: An Unexplored Place
of Attraction
The Legacy of the Sports Festival
Interview with English Language
Improvement Center Coordinator:
Margareta Lambacka – Walker
Ambo University: A Place of Cultural
Chewing Chat
Ambo University in Pictur
E-mail: No.1 May, 2012 E-mail:
Dr.Tadesse Boyossa
Gizaw Debebe
Bertram Grant
Muleta Duguma
Belayneh Hunde
Roderick Besseling
Another project, undertaken by GAD Construction
for the lump sum of 41 million birr, which includes
the library building(G+2), administrative building
(G+3), and main gate arc- is also finalized and
In addition, a four- block student dormitory
project, carried out by Teklebirhan Ambaye
Construction, with a 79 million birr lump sum, is
nearing completion. According to Ato Tadesse,
97% of this project has already been finalized and
the rest is to be finished very soon.
Also, the new campus establishment project at the
Awaro site and Woliso Campus, which was started
Continued from page 1
three years ago and financed by the Ministry
of Education, with the total sum of 305 million
birr, is going on intensively with its construction.
The project supervision was transferred from the
Ministry of Education to Ambo University in July,
2011. Since then, the project has gone well under
the supervision of Ambo University. Another sports
field construction project, started this year and
carried out by Yotek Construction, with the total
sum of 62 million birr, is nearing completion. One
of the sports field construction projects is Ambo
University Stadium, the biggest of its kind in the
history of the university.
The overall construction projects, according to the
Vice President, has enabled the university to carry
out its teaching-learning activities and the daily
office work effectively, and to deliver appropriate
services to the community in a better way than the
previous periods. Particularly, the construction of
recent sports fields beside the main stadium, such
as the basketball, tennis, volleyball, and hand ball
courts, played a paramount role in hosting the
5th Public Higher Education Institutions Sports
Festival that took place from February 4-19, 2012
at our University , Tadesse added.
More Than Half Billion Birr…
Conference on English Language Education
held at Ambo University
By Muleta Duguma
A three-day conference with the theme of “Enhancing the Quality of
English Language Education in Ethiopia” was held from March 22-24,
2012 at Ambo University.
The conference was organized by the Embassy of the United States of
America in Ethiopia in
collaboration with the
Ministry of Education,
Ambo University and
the New York based,
Institute of Education.
The event attracted
participants from
different sectors, such as
leaders of tertiary and
secondary education,
curriculum developers,
education researchers, and representatives from
government and private sectors. Continues on page 3
conference participants engaged in group work
construction at Awaro campusVol.1 No.1 May, 2012 E-mail:
Ambo University Diversifying Its Programs
Founded sixty-five years before as High Agriculture
School, and joined to the club of Ethiopian universities
only three years ago, Ambo University is currently
diversifying its program by increasing its undergraduate
courses to thirty-eight and the post graduate to eight.
According to Ato Terefe Tolesa, director of the university’s
registrar’s office, the newly added fields of study are
Agri-Business and Value Chain Management, Medicine,
Midwifery, Adult Education and Community Development,
Psychology, Electrical and Computer Engineering to
the undergraduate program and Teaching English as a
Foreign Language (TEFL) to the postgraduate program.
The diversification of the programs is designed to train the skilled manpower that the nation needs in its
development endeavor, Ato Terefe added.
Dozens of Proposals on Hand
By Muleta Duguma
A total of 67 research proposals have been
submitted to the Research, Knowledge and
Technology Transfer Office at Ambo University in
this fiscal year.
The office director, Ato Ulfina Galmessa, told Ambo
University Newsletter that, of the total projects,
seven have been completed and 36 are ongoing.
The rest are new projects.
The number of projects proposed by each college/
institute varies.The College of Agriculture and
Veterinary Sciences, College of Social Sciences
and Humanities, and College of Business and
Economics take the main share by proposing 19,
17, and nine projects respectively.
According to Ato Ulfina, more than 90% of the
projects are conducted at the community level.
The result of the research projects, he added, will
have tremendous importance in improving the
well-being of the local community in particular
and the development of the country at large.
Research activities, which were in their infancy
at Ambo University until recent years, have now
found their basis on a solid ground, Ato Ulfina said.
As a step to implement BPR (Business Process
Reengineering), the university has established a
committee to enhance research, knowledge and
technology transfer.
The Office of Research, Knowledge and Technology
Transfer, working hand in hand with the committee,
has conducted a series of activities to curtail the
prevailing problems, the director concluded.
Continued from page 2Conference on English…
In his keynote address, Ato Fuad Ibrahim, State
Minister of Education, said that while great
efforts had been exerted to expand education
opportunities to Ethiopian citizens, there were
still gaps in quality that needed the effort of all
partners. Without due attention and unreserved
efforts to promote the quality of English language
in the country, Ato Fuad stressed, students could
not easily grasp their academic studies. “That is
why the promotion of quality English language
instruction is part and parcel of our general
program aimed at the improvement of quality
education,” he said.
The President of Ambo University, Dr. MitikuTesso,
in his welcome speech praised the expansion
of educational institutions in the country and
emphasized the need for enhancing the quality of
education. He also pointed out that his university
is working vigorously towards this end.
Continues on page 6
students attending class
By Muleta Duguma

- 14 Sep
- 2017